If you run a small or medium business and you need a set amount of cash to help your business grow further, than a PayPal Business Loan may be suitable for you. While some business do not qualify for a PayPal Business Loan, if you live within the United States and meet the eligibility either by … [Read more...] about PayPal Business Loan
Pausing or Canceling a Stripe Subscription
While Stripe does not support pausing of a subscription payment, it is possible for your customer to end their subscription and then rejoin at a later date. While this can sometimes be inconvenient it ensures no further payments are withdrawn during a period that the customer will not be benefiting … [Read more...] about Pausing or Canceling a Stripe Subscription
Canceling a PayPal Transaction
If you have sent a payment from your PayPal account, for instance to the wrong address or of the wrong amount, you may be wondering how you can immediately cancel the transaction. While not all transactions can be cancelled when they have been submitted, under a number of circumstances, cancelling a … [Read more...] about Canceling a PayPal Transaction
Refunding PayPal Payment
If for some reason, you need to issue a refund to a customer from your PayPal account, this tutorial will guide you in doing so. If the customer has deposited the amount into your PayPal account, the process is simple and easy. If your customer has paid you via an alternate method, the good news is … [Read more...] about Refunding PayPal Payment
Creating Invoices Using PayPal for Your Business
The days of hard copy invoices are slowly dwindling away and with advances in technology, online payment platforms such as PayPal are now offering their users the ability to create and send invoices. The PayPal invoicing feature, that comes as standard with all PayPal business accounts allows … [Read more...] about Creating Invoices Using PayPal for Your Business
PayPal Error: Things Don’t Appear to be Working at the Moment. Please Try Again Later.
If you're a merchant and you're using PayPal to accept payments for goods or services that you sell from your website, at one point or another you are bound to run into an error message. While some of the errors produced by PayPal are straight forward, others such as 'Things Don't Appear to be … [Read more...] about PayPal Error: Things Don’t Appear to be Working at the Moment. Please Try Again Later.
Raise Your PayPal Transfer and Receive Limits
Hitting a sending or receiving limit within your PayPal account can be frustrating especially if you cannot see a work around. While PayPal is the leading online payment system, there are some limitation measures that the payment gateway giant has in place to ensure they abide by the laws of the … [Read more...] about Raise Your PayPal Transfer and Receive Limits
How to Create a PayPal Buy Now Button Easily in WordPress
If you've heard of fancy eCommerce solutions, you may have also heard of the cost associated with them. While many of the well-known eCommerce solutions are ideal for those wishing to sell multiple products, stay on top of inventory and track sales, for others wishing to only sell a few items, a … [Read more...] about How to Create a PayPal Buy Now Button Easily in WordPress
How to Add the PayPal Pro Gateway to WooCommerce
We recently touched on how an WooCommerce enthusiast can accept payments via the Braintree gateway through the use of a third part plugin available on WordPress.Org plugin. In this article we will take a look at the PayPal Pro Payments integration plugin for WooCommerce. PayPal Payments Pro has … [Read more...] about How to Add the PayPal Pro Gateway to WooCommerce
How to Reinstall WordPress Without Losing Content
If you have found yourself hitting a stand still after using all troubleshooting resources available, you may consider reinstalling WordPress. While reinstalling WordPress on your server should never be a first resort, the method outlined in this article will help you along the way and will ensure … [Read more...] about How to Reinstall WordPress Without Losing Content