We published a tutorial on how to create a Custom Page Template in WordPress a while back. Since then we received many requests from our readers to create a video tutorial on this topic so we are following up with a video tutorial covering the basics on how to create a custom WordPress page … [Read more...] about How to Create a Custom WordPress Page Template (Video Tutorial)
How the Word “Leverage” Can Increase Your Blog’s Income
The word "leverage" can mean different things to different people. In its most literal sense, "leverage" means gaining a mechanical advantage or power through the use of a lever. Perhaps a little more interestingly, "leverage" can also mean having the power to influence people, decisions or events … [Read more...] about How the Word “Leverage” Can Increase Your Blog’s Income
A Cloud With a Silk Lining & The Kindle Fire
When Amazon launched the Kindle Fire recently you could be excused if your initial thoughts were whether we really need another mobile tablet device on the market. However, when the features and capabilities were revealed it quickly became apparent that this is not just another tablet device akin … [Read more...] about A Cloud With a Silk Lining & The Kindle Fire
6 Tips For Writing Blog Articles Faster
If you are a blogger who wants to make a living from your blog, then the skill of writing is one of the most instrumental assets you can have in terms of the growth and success of your site. Regularly published quality content is king when it comes to building your blog, so with this in mind you … [Read more...] about 6 Tips For Writing Blog Articles Faster
How to Use Google Analytics to Track Your WordPress Site Speed
Site speed is becoming more important to track and improve on since the search engines are using site speed in the ranking algorithm. A few readers have requested us to write a simple tutorial on how they can track their site speed easily. Here is a quick tutorial showing how you can use your … [Read more...] about How to Use Google Analytics to Track Your WordPress Site Speed
How Focus Can Help You Build a Successful Blog
I recently did a time management course and there was something which I heard the speaker say which really resonated with me. He said that when it comes to time management, you don’t really manage time, but you manage yourself instead. The amount of time available is always the same, sort of like … [Read more...] about How Focus Can Help You Build a Successful Blog
Split Testing on Your WordPress Site Using Google Website Optimizer
Since we published the Maximize Revenue 101: Should You Lower or Increase the Product Price to Increase Revenue article, a few readers have asked us to provide a step by step guide on how to setup split testing on a WordPress powered site. Google website optimizer is probably the best tool out … [Read more...] about Split Testing on Your WordPress Site Using Google Website Optimizer
3 Questions Blog Owners Should Ask Themselves Regarding Their Content
Every website on the Internet contains some type of content which is aimed at attracting visitors. The motivations of website owners for enticing visitors to their site can range from sharing opinions, passions or life experiences, to converting visitors into customers or subscribers. Whatever … [Read more...] about 3 Questions Blog Owners Should Ask Themselves Regarding Their Content
8 Ways to Access Blocked Sites
Businesses are much more clever now: they see how popular the web and social networking is and often block those sites from employee access. Not only are work places doing this, but so are schools, colleges, even some libraries and churches. If you want to access your social networking profiles, … [Read more...] about 8 Ways to Access Blocked Sites
The 3 Ingredients of The Secret Sauce of Successful Blogging
With millions of blog websites already in existence and many more sprouting daily, you might already be aware that there are a relatively small number of incredibly popular and successful blogs out there on virtually any topic you care to think of. When you visit a number of these successful … [Read more...] about The 3 Ingredients of The Secret Sauce of Successful Blogging