You should watch all the following video tutorials to familiarize yourself with the basic functionality of the WP eMember plugin.
1. WP eMember Installation
2. Basic Configuration and Setup a Free Membership Site
This video tutorial shows you how to quickly setup the plugin to protect content that is available only for members (Membership is free)
3. How to Setup a Premium Membership Site using PayPal Button
This video tutorial shows you how to quickly setup the plugin to protect content that is available only for premium/paid members (Membership is not free).
4. How to Setup a Premium Membership Site using WP eStore Plugin
This video tutorial shows you how to quickly setup the plugin to protect content that is available only for premium/paid members (using WP eStore plugin to process the membership payment).
Note: This tutorial uses WP eStore plugin to create the payment buttons but you don’t have to use eStore (You can use a standard PayPal button to create the payment buttons… see video number 3)
5. How to Manage Content Protection in eMember
Other Miscellaneous Tutorials
A. Very Basic Example of Setting up Free Membership
B. Basic Example of eStore and eMember Integration
C. Apply Content Protection in eMember
What’s Next?
We have a lot of usage documentation for the membership plugin so go over the documentation at your own pace.
Yes you can use the site wide protection option.
Details of this can be found below:
Does emember can protect the whole page even in google search?
@Stacy, yes you can do partial content protection with eMember. Please see the following documentation:
Does emember have the ability to protect partial content in posts? For instance, I may have a post that I want to display as a teaser to entice interest in another membership level…so it would display the first few lines and when they attempt to continue reading more it would display a link to upgrade to a higher membership level to access that posts and all other content for that member level.
Can you customise the login form and the registration form.
Thank you! I think that was what I was looking for.
In Video 3, you explain how to make a download page for members.
Very nice, and I think I got it all right…But:
Where and how do I configure that after payment, customers get the link for registration?
This page should be hidden and unfindable for people who did not pay.
Either I missed that…or it simply does not work with Paypal Sandbox?
1. Please see the following forum post:
2. I believe the following article is what you are looking for:
I have the save question as Lionel: Does this plugin has a translation file. My site is in French?
Second: My membership site needs to give access to different content month after month ( and not all at one time). Is it possible to give a pre-schedule content. I mean, if someone register in March, he will start with the module 1 and and if someone register in may, he will also start with module 1 and so on… ?
Does this plugin has a translation file. My site is in Spanish. Let me know
Hi, In the eMember admin you can go to “Members” this will give you a list of your members and some information (e.g.
Member ID, User Name, First Name, Last Name, Email, Membership Level, Subscription Starts From, Account State. If you want to see more information you can click the edit button for each member and it will show you there full profile (including photo if they have uploaded one).
I would like to know, how would a user (for example, administrator) see all the account information for each user. So for example. if I was to log on, as an admin, I would want a page where I can see the list of users profiles, then can click each one to see the contents, like Address, email address, etc…
@Kim, The videos are embeded using the following plugin:
Yes you can embed YouTube videos too.
I just purchased 3 of your software products and I have a question. I’m wondering how you set up your videos on this page to open as a sort of popup vs. embedding them on a separate page. I really like the look of how these work. Can this be done with YouTube videos or is it strictly a Vimeo thing? Can you point me to instructions on how to do this? Otherwise I’m going to have hundreds of pages within my web site for each video embed to reside in. Thanks
Sweet! I’m in.
@Kenneth, Yeah the membership plugin can protect custom post types. All the custom posts that you create will appear under the “Posts” menu of eMember for the protection settings.
Does this work with custom post types?
@Bryan, Please check under the “Integration” section of the documentation site and you will find the mailchipm integration doc. The affiliate plugin do not have autoresponder integration yet so affiliates can’t be signed up to a list.
@Paul, Google can’t access the content that is protected by eMember. So when you list your links in a protected page google can’t crawl those URLs. Anyway, there is a more secured way for downloads. Please check this page (check the eStore option):
Hi, where is the documentation to integrate with Mailchimp? I am very interested in the combination of the member + affiliate plugin, with Mailchimp providing the autoresponder and campaign management. First question; when someone registers for a membership, can the registration be sent to a list in Mailchimp. Second, when someone signs up to be an affilaite, can the registration be sent to a different list in Mailchimp?
Thank you!
Hi there, I have bought both eMember and eStore plugins and am currently configuring a free members-only download page. Is there a way to stop Google from finding the download folder and listing the files in a search (thereby allowing non-members to direct link to the files)? I was thinking perhaps a password-protected folder – is there a way for eMember / eStore to access such a protected folder successfully and allow downloading by authenticated site members?
Awesome job on eMember I absolutely love it! I wanted to add…
To exclude pages without installing another addon which saves on server resources, you can use the menu feature WordPress has built in. Simply create a new menu called main then add in the pages you want displayed on your navigation bar.
This works great if you have multiply pages you don’t want people seeing like your thank you page, profile edit page and ect..
Hi Amy,
Yes you can protect section of your content. The following article will explain more about this:
2. Here is a link to the GetResponce integration options:
Please let me know if you have anymore questions.
Hello – I just wanted to confirm that this plug in does this:
I want to create a wordpress blog where 95% of the posts will have some teaser content (for SEO) and then a link that requires that the reader be a member (i.e., registered) before seeing the rest of the posts. Membership is free I just want to get them on my autoresponder (Get Response).
1. Confirm I do not need to have a separate Free Content or Paid Membership Page with links to the free content- I can just submit posts and protect most of the content in the publicly published posts.
2. Confirm integration with GetResponse.
Thanks- I am excited about using your plug in!
@Gary, You can search for a member in the Admin panel under “Members”. You can do this by either name or emails address.
does eMember have the capability of searching through the members?
@Julie, Yeah eMember can be integrated with WordPress User Database so all of your members will have the Roles assigned by WordPress. So, it will honor whatever WordPress role the user has (e.g. author, subscriber etc.) and will let him/her do things in the admin dashboard accordingly.
Ready to buy but just want to make sure there’s a way to allow users to post (along with limit number of posts – have code for this). That is the membership – being allowed into the admin to post. Thanks!
Very nice, I have been looking for a reasonable plugin, thanks for the video